What does fashion mean?

Fashion is a shadow -like word, and when we talk about it, we may summarize some different concepts, such as a clothing choice driven by celebrities, designers, or popular trends, or fashion is how people express ourselves to express ourselvesStyle and personality.These definitions are not wrong, but they are just stylish superficial meaning.

Fashion should be regarded as a unique cultural phenomenon, which is closely related to our daily life and social practice.We can think that fashion is a silent announcement of a person’s silent announcement of his own lifestyle, identity, attitude, and self -expression that it is a staggered area for culture, social, and individuals.When we buy clothes, cosmetics or accessories, we not only pay attention to our own needs, but also consider its image and influence in social occasions.

The reason why fashion exists is because human beings have their own needs, and they must show their unique and attractive qualities in social and daily life.These needs and desires have changed in each era, and have undergone the influence of social changes from politics to economy, culture to ecology.What happened here is not only material and commodity, but also about the evolution of cultural foundation and social change.

Fashion still occupies an important position in modern and contemporary designs. It carries people’s needs and desires, and at the same time, it has largely shaped our cultural style.For this reason, fashion is not only the product of a group of designers, but also part of the entire cultural ecology.It is the expectations and witness of our own lifestyle in this era, and we have revealed our values and the common spirit of human beings.

In the wave of modern consumerism, there is still a aspect that needs to be focused, which is the foundation of fashion manufacturing.We need to pay attention to the positive and negative impact of the fashion industry in terms of economic, political and ecological environment.It is believed that under the premise of focusing on inclusive and sustainability, we can successfully explore more humane and more meaningful fashion models.


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