Thinking of the current status of leisure agriculture and rural tourism in our province

Zhou Dianwu Deng Xuezheng Lu Boyu

For the first time, the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed the strategy of revitalizing the countryside, giving the new mission, new goals, and new requirements at leisure agriculture and rural tourism.In recent years, relying on their own resource endowment, location advantages and rich folk culture, all over the province have regarded leisure agriculture and rural tourism as a new way to transform agricultural development and the breakthrough of the regional economy.All of them are excavated, and it is urgent to enrich product formats, build boutique projects, and speed up and upgrade.

1. Development presents “acceleration”

There are diverse highlights of themes; the main body’s multi -pole income increases obvious; the industrial chain of the three industries is long; the high starting point is promoted to drive the regional economy

In 2017, the province’s leisure and sightseeing farm (Zhuang) developed to 1240, and the farmhouse developed to 4,436. 12 counties were rated as national leisure agriculture and rural tourism demonstration counties; 18 points were rated as national rural tourism demonstration sites; 17 villages and towns have been rated as famous tourist towns in the country’s characteristic landscapes, and have become a model for the province and even the country.

The theme mode is becoming more diverse.At present, rural tourism has initially formed a number of themes such as rice culture display, fishing, fishing, rural scenery experience, modern agricultural display, “winter capture”, flower appreciation, folk culture, and popular science education.There are highlights in various places. For example, Jiamusi relies on Jiang Hezhe’s folk culture and creates boutique brands such as “Hezhe First Village”; Mudanjiang relies on Dongting scenery, five rows of Gushan City ruins, Diaoshui Lake and other tourism resources to create agricultural tourism, specialty catering, specialty catering and beverage, Forest Ecology, Farming Experience and other special tourist products; Jixi City launched 4 boutique tourist routes: sightseeing tour, red tourism, experience tour, and border tourism.

The main type is polarized.Hua Nan County, Jiamusi City launched an agricultural tourism in the forest farm, and created the five major brands of “one lake”, “one peak”, “one forest”, “oneho”, and “one flower sea”.Attracting strong enterprises and returning entrepreneurs to develop leisure agriculture and rural tourism, the current operating subject has developed to 283; Mohe County, Daxing’an Ling City encourages farmers to develop agricultural tourism, creating tourism projects such as picking, northern light, Olecho folk customs, and Russian style tourism tourism projectsIn 2017, operating income was 630 million yuan.

New highlights emerged in the “fusion of the three industries”.In some areas, the brand chain, interest chain, and industrial chain are the bonds to develop leisure agriculture and rural tourism.For example, Jinfutai Group in Wuchang City relied on the “Qiao Fu Jun Road” brand to drive more than 700 villagers around the surrounding area to develop farmhouses; Qi Taihe City, Belly County, Qingshan Township Fighting Village Penal Music Grape Planting Professional Cooperative to adopt the “Cooperative+Farmers” model to developAgricultural tourism helps all 200 poor households out of poverty.Fisheries tourism tourism in Hujian Village, Baiyuwan Town, Jixi City, the industrial chain covers breeding, aquatic processing, tourism souvenirs, etc., and tourism revenue accounts for 70%of the agricultural income of the village, becoming a well -known tourist professional village.

Show a strong development momentum.All localities take leisure agriculture and rural tourism as a new engine of regional economic engines, and have advanced from high starting points.For example, Qitai River introduced two projects with more than 500 million yuan. One is to introduce the ecological agricultural tourism project of Jixinghe Reservoir.The planned investment is 520 million yuan, covering a number of themes such as agricultural science popularization education, red culture education, leisure fishing, vegetable picking, and children’s amusement.The second is to introduce the Longgu Agricultural Science and Technology Park project.It is planned to invest 930 million yuan. The main planting strawberries, big cherries, purple potato, etc., are expected to become the most modern leisure tourism and agricultural popular science tourism demonstration base in the Northeast.

2. Urgently need to solve the problem

There are not many personalized themes; insufficient cultural connotation; the added value of the industrial chain; insufficient brand awareness; incomplete management mechanism

Une balanced development is in its infancy.At present, our province is included in the national leisure agriculture and rural tourism demonstration counties (cities, districts) accounted for only 3%.There is a certain gap between spending power and advanced provinces in China.In 2017, Sichuan leisure agriculture and rural tourism consumption revenue was 228.5 billion yuan, Liaoning was 100 billion yuan, Jilin was 16.092 billion yuan, and the province was only 8.24 billion yuan.There are not many personalized themes, and they are in their infancy.

The depth of cultural connotation is not enough.Whether in agricultural utensils, material development and utilization, and the excavation of agricultural festivals, or the depth of the integration of national culture and farming culture, it is lacking. The characteristics are not distinctive.The characteristics are not integrated.

The supply of mid -to -high -end products lacks.Insufficient processing of leisure and tourism products, inadequate combination of leisure tourism derivative products with regional culture, characteristic resources, and traditional skills, the added value of the industrial chain is not high, the upstream and downstream industries are not strong, there are more low -end repetitive products, the advantages of resource advantages, the advantages of resource advantagesThere is no well transformed into industrial advantages and capital advantages.

Quality and benefits are not high.Due to the large industrial investment and long cycle, some of the main economic foundations and development capabilities are weak, and the quality is not high.In addition, lack of brand awareness, insufficient marketing and marketing publicity, lack of professional tourism talents, etc., some leisure agriculture and rural tourism attractions are not well -known, and their operating benefits are not outstanding.

Increased measures and mechanisms.There are generally lack of overall planning, lack of systematic design, weak infrastructure construction in scenic spots, and lack of standardized industry guidance and standardized standards and standards.In terms of land use, taxation, investment and financing, and social capital participation, the government has urgently required the government to introduce guiding documents in related development.

Third, the “multi -dimensional” is strongly promoted

Efforts to build the layout of “one core, two wings, and five laps”; focus on creating the development model of “five laps, six verticals”

Focus on the large industry, scientifically planning the layout.Efforts will be made to build the layout of “one core, two wings, and five laps” leisure agriculture and rural tourism development.The “one nuclear” is Harbin as the core to focus on the construction and generating a number of leisure agriculture and rural tourism districts (bases) with incubation and driving effects.The “two wings” extended from Harbin to the northwest to Daqing and Qiqihar, and extended to Mudanjiang and Jixi to the southeast, forming the two -wing leisure agriculture and rural tourism industry bands and industrial groups.”Five circles”, relying on Harbin, Qiqihar, Daqing, Suihua, focusing on creating the green, recreational and leisure and vacation tourism circle of Songnen Plain in the west; relying on the Mudanjiang and Jixi, focusing on creating the ethnic tourism circle of Zhangguangcai Ling Ling in the south;Taihe, Hegang, Shuangyashan, focusing on building the characteristic agricultural and cultural tourism circle in the Sanjiang Plain in the east; relying on the Daxinganling area, Heihe, and Yichun, focusing on creating the dynamic ecological agricultural tourism circle in the northern sizes of Xing’anling;Mohe, Heihe, Lao, Jiayin, Luobei, Tongjiang, Fuyuan, Raohe, Tigerlin, Mishan, Suifenhe, Dongning and other 17 key ports, focusing on creating the “Silk Road Belt” style tourist circleEssence

Aiming at large markets and creating boutique brands.Create brands with scientific methods and pragmatic measures, accelerate the cultivation of a number of specialized leisure agriculture and rural tourism products with specialized operations, standardized management, and standardized service, and attract urban and rural residents to rural leisure consumption.Pay attention to relying on regional cultural characteristics, through the development of Sanjiang Wetland International Bird Festival, Wuchang Rao Fragrance Festival, Durbert Winter Capture Festival, Mohe “Northern Light Festival”, Sino -Russian Cultural Exchange Festival, and educated youth culture.Activities to create personalized leisure agriculture and rural tourism products and boutique routes.Bind these products and routes, upgrade and become cross -regional and integrated boutique tourism routes to comprehensively enhance the characteristic tourism line and brand awareness.

Based on great benefits and accelerate integration and development.Promote the changing houses of the agricultural area, house -changing houses, and product changes.Vigorously develop leisure farmers and modern agricultural demonstration parks with well -developed development; cultivate a number of high -quality, distinctive and distinctive farmhouses, fisherman music, herdsmen music, idyllic flower sea, and health vacation tourist attractions;”Culture, Hezhe culture, anti -Alliance culture, farming culture, etiquette and customs culture, creating a group of distinctive and attractive rural ancient towns, folk villages, characteristic homestays, and new villages of tourism;, Create a cross -border leisure agricultural industry belt and industrial group.Adopting the “company+farmers+market” operation method, support the development of “one village, one product”, “one village, one art”, accelerate the cultivation of local products, and enhance the added value of agricultural products.Focusing on gathering new formats, combining agricultural resources with creative industries, developing crafts with regional and cultural characteristics, expanding the industrial value chain space, and promoting the integration of three industries.

Adhere to great innovation and implement multi -dimensional linkage.Focus on creating the development model of “five laps, six verticals”.The characteristic agricultural and cultural circle of Sanjiang Plain in the east, focusing on creating “modern agricultural tourism”, “leisure farm”, “rural complex”, “Hezhe Handicraft Square”, “Anti -Alliance Revolution Education”, “Folk Culture Park”Model; Green and Cainted Holiday Circle of the Songnen Plain in the West, focusing on creating “rice incense experience”, “hot spring vacation”, “ecological farm”, “winter catch+catering”, “Mongolian hunting”, “Hexiang culture”Theme mode; the southern Zhang Guangcai Lord Lord Ling’s national style tourism and cultural circle, focusing on creating “Da Meixing Kai Lake”, “Charming Snow Village”, “Wetland Photography Cisaver”, “Ancient Bohai State Sites”, “Beida Wilderness Culture”, and“东方第一庙”6大纵向主题模式;北部大小兴安岭动感极地生态农业圈,重点打造“森林康养”、“特色民宿”、“北果采摘”、“极地探险”、“火山疗养”、The 6 vertical theme models of “medicated oxygen bar”; the “Silk Road Belt” port Jiejiang Cross -border Tour Tourism Circle, focusing on creating “Russian Town”, “self -driving tour”, “physical therapy”, “sports events”, “The six vertical theme models of the Sino -Russian Culture Festival form a development pattern of complementary advantages and industrial linkage.

Seeking great development and doing a good job of marketing.Implement the “Internet+Agricultural Tourism Combination” action plan to encourage the development of smart agriculture, rural e -commerce, online marketing and offline experience integrated business models to improve online marketing capabilities.Support the agricultural festival activities and creative leisure agricultural design contests across the province, and continuously expand the popularity of leisure agriculture and rural tourism products and brands.Adhere to the differences in differences, take the initiative to jointly develop with the province, actively promote the tourism routes of East Polar, North Pole, Antarctica, and West Pole, expand the radiation radius of the province’s leisure agriculture and rural tourism market, and promote the maximum efficiency.

Optimize the environment and consolidate “software and hardware”.Implementation of leisure agriculture and rural tourism improvement projects.Strengthen environmental improvement, focus on improving infrastructure of roads, drinking water, and electricity consumption in tourist attractions; accelerate the hardening, greening, cleaning, and beautification of tourism villages and streets; guide the operating entities to accelerate the transformation of courtyards, sewage management, and promotion of clean energy.Strengthen services, formulate and improve the standard system for leisure agriculture and rural tourism services, and conduct standardized guidance on accommodation entertainment, visitor centers, shopping venues, safety facilities, etc. of leisure agriculture and rural tourism scenic spots (points) to improve the level of business management and reception services, Strengthen the protection of agricultural cultural heritage.Encourage leisure agriculture and rural tourism industry to form industry associations with good foundation.Strengthen the training of leisure agriculture and rural tourism leaders.In particular, we must increase policy supply and increase support for rural tourism business entities with good foundation, high benefits, and potential.

(Author unit: Heilongjiang Rural Development Research Center)


With the development of the economy and society, the depth and breadth of agriculture are continuously extending.”Agriculture+Tourism” means that rural tourism and leisure agriculture are a new industry, new format, and new model derived from.The upgrading of it is conducive to promoting the structural reform of agricultural supply side, the cultivation of new kinetic energy for rural development, promoting villagers’ employment income, and improving the rural living environment.In 2018, the Central Document No. 1 proposed that “the implementation of leisure agriculture and rural tourism projects, build a batch of complete and diverse functions of leisure and sightseeing parks, forests, recreational bases, rural homestays, and characteristic towns.” It reflects leisure agricultureThe important role of rural tourism on promoting rural revitalization also provides guidance and direction for builders and investors.In response to the actual situation of our province, this article put forward ideas such as “one nuclear, two wings, and five laps”, and the development model of “five laps, six verticals”, is available for reference.


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