There are 10 tourist attractions in China, which is worth recommending and visual

China, this ancient and mysterious land, has given countless fascinating tourist destinations.Today, let me describe the top ten tourist attractions for you and show you the unique charm of them.
Tiananmen City Tower
Palace Museum
Beijing is the capital of the Chinese people. In a lifetime, we must go to Beijing to experience the solemn and glory of Tiananmen and the Forbidden City.Tiananmen, the founding ceremony of the People’s Republic of China was grandly held here. Tiananmen was carved on the national emblem forever, becoming the pride and symbol of the Chinese nation.For the Forbidden City, the former Ming and Qing Royal Forbidden Land has now become a museum to display Chinese culture.
Badaling Great Wall
set foot on
Wanli Great Wall Badaling
Feel the vicissitudes and tenacity of that millennium, and also satisfy the honor of “not to the Great Wall’s non -good man”.Standing on the top of the Great Wall, overlooking the mountains in the distance, as if he could hear the shouts of ancient soldiers and defending the country.
Hangzhou West Lake is famous, and its beauty and tranquility will clear your mind.The waters of the West Lake are rippling, and the green trees of the lake are shaded. The ten wins of the West Lake are like a picture of picturesque comic, which makes people feel refreshed.
Guilin Lijiang attracted countless tourists with its beauty of landscapes.The water of the Lijiang River is clear, and the mountains on both sides of the strait are stacked, as if a natural ink painting, which makes people appreciate the real scene of “Guilin’s landscapes”.
Jiuzhaigou, a fairyland on earth.The mountains, water, forests, and snow are reflected in each other.
The Three Gorges of the Yangtze River is one of the world’s Grand Canyon and is famous for its magnificent natural victory.The Yangtze River Three Gorges Water Conservancy Project is by far the world’s largest water conservancy and hydropower hub project has comprehensive benefits such as flood control, power generation, shipping, and water supply.The Three Gorges Dam Tourist Area is a national five -level scenic spot, showing tourists the perfect combination of human engineering and natural landscape.The dam is towering, and the rivers are rippling, forming a magnificent scroll.
Xishuangbanna, a mysterious place full of tropical style.The tropical rain forests, rare animals, and unique Dai culture there make people seem to be in a dreamy world.
The Potala Palace is located in the Holy Land on the Tibet Plateau.There is the center of Tibetan Buddhism. Each stone and every inch of land are full of sacred and solemn.
Qin Shihuang Terracotta Warriors, one of the eight major miracles in the world.Thousands of pottery figurines seemed to be telling the glorious history of Qin Shihuang’s unification of the six kingdoms.
The ancient city of Pingyao, known as one of the “four best preservation”, is also one of the only two ancient cities that have successfully applied for the World Cultural Heritage in China in China.The ancient city of Pingyao is an outstanding example of the Chinese Han nationality in the Ming and Qing dynasties. In the development of Chinese history, it shows people a complete picture of unusual Han culture, social, economic, and religious development.
Each of these ten tourist attractions has a unique charm and profound cultural connotation.Whether you like history, culture, nature or adventure, you can find satisfaction in these places.China, this ancient land, waiting for your exploration and discovery.


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