The 26 achievements of Tianjin Economic Development Zone won the Tianjin Science and Technology Award of 2023 Tianjin, May 22ndA few days ago, the Tianjin Municipal People’s Government announced the winning list of the Tianjin Science and Technology Award of 2023, and the city’s 177 achievements won awards.Among them, 21 Natural Science Awards, 9 technical inventions, and 147 scientific and technological progress awards.The 26 achievements of 22 units in Tianjin Economic Development Zone won awards, creating the best results in history.Award results of the Economic Development Zone cover chemical industry, medicine,, Mobile communication and other key industries, provide innovation for regional scientific and technological innovation and industrial energy level improvementEssence

  Of the 26 winning results, 1 first prize of scientific and technological progress, 15 second prizes of scientific and technological progress, 6 third prizes in scientific and technological progress, 3 second prizes of technological invention, and 1 third -class technology invention, the total number of awards accounted forThe city is 14.69%, accounting for 32.91%in the new district.Among the 22 winning units, there are 11 units that have won the prizes in the first completion unit.

  The Tianjin Science and Technology Award is established by the Tianjin Municipal People’s Government. It is a provincial and ministerial science and technology award.Personal and organizations with outstanding contributions in development.The results of the Tianjin Science and Technology Award have high gold content, in intelligence,Gene therapy,A number of key core technologies were overwhelmed by other fields.The collaborative innovation is more closely, and 32.2%of the award -winning projects are jointly completed by the scientific research team.

  In recent years, the Tianjin Economic Development Zone has actively strengthened the position of enterprise innovation, and encouraged enterprises in the Economic Development Zone to show their innovative strength through the science and technology award platform.

  Rely on service.The Economic Development Zone has conducted a special lecture on the “Analysis of the Essential Points of Science and Technology Award Declaration” to further serve regional enterprises to help science and technology workers improve the quality of scientific progress.At the same time, focus on the key industries and technological leaders of the Economic Development Zone, and do a good job of classified guidance and one -on -one tutoring enterprises to apply for science and technology awards.Actively communicate the upper level of the higher -level project, strive for more declaration quotas, do a good job of preliminary review, and improve the success rate of declaration.In the past three years, the Economic Development Zone is an additional number of applied places for science and technology awards in the area on average, and the application success rate has reached more than 50%.

  Production and research linkage.Actively build a channel for production and research handhake to promote technological trading activities such as the docking of scientific and technological achievements and the transfer of results transfer.In 2023, the Economic Development Zone created regional scientific and technological achievements docking brand activities, planning and organizing scientific and technological achievements docking to promote the docking of the results of the three places;Innovative subjects coordinated and promoted more innovative results to achieve transformation and industrialization in the economic development zone.Among the results of this award, more than 80%are the industrialization of the results of the cooperation of industry -university -research, 6 of which are jointly completed by the Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei scientific research team, accounting for 23%of the number of award -winning projects.University, Capital Medical University and other top domestic colleges.

  Policy incentives.For the purpose of enhancing independent innovation and original innovation capabilities, the “Science and Technology Award Reward” policy in the “Science and Technology Innovation” of scientific and technological policies in the opening district stipulates that the second prize of the National Science and Technology Award or above or Tianjin science and technologyThe first prize and above the main completion units will be given 1: 1 according to the amount of the fund’s award, which encourages enterprises to actively sprint the higher award of the science and technology award.


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