Stock market Express: Zhongxin Tourism (002707) March 25th’s main funds sold 4.1785 million yuan

According to the stars of the Securities, as of March 25, 2024, Zhongxin Tourism (002707) closed at 6.72 yuan, down 2.47%, a renewal rate of 2.58%, a turnover of 210,200 hands, and a turnover of 142 million yuan.

In terms of data flow to data on March 25, the net outflow of the main funds was 4.1785 million yuan, accounting for 2.93%of the total turnover, the net outflow of the capital funds was 15.398 million yuan, accounting for 10.81%of the total turnover, and the net inflow of retail funds was 19.5765 million yuan, accounting for the totalThe turnover was 13.74%.

See the table below at the view of the flow of funds in the past 5th:

The main indicators of the stock and the industry rank as follows:

众信旅游2023年三季报显示,公司主营收入20.53亿元,同比上升647.46%;归母净利润1413.27万元,同比上升110.72%;扣非净利润1021.54万元,同比上升107.56%;其中2023In the third quarter of the year, the company’s main revenue in a single quarter was 1.261 billion yuan, a year -on -year increase of 748.28%; the net profit attributable to mothers in the single quarter was 48.656 million yuan, an increase of 195.51%year -on -year; the non -net profit in the single quarter was 46.9932 million yuan, an increase of 191.06%year -on -year;The debt ratio was 81.03%, the investment income was -17.103 million yuan, the financial expenses were 12.513 million yuan, and the gross profit margin was 11.52%.Zhongxin Tourism (002707) Main business: tourism wholesale business, tourism retail business, other tourism business, integrated marketing services.

In the last 90 days of the stock, a total of 6 institutions gave rating, bought 1 rating, and increased their holdings of 5 rating.

Explanation of the flow of funds: refers to the flow of funds through price changes.When the stock price is rising, the turnover of active buying orders is the power to promote the rise in stock prices. This part of the turnover is defined as the inflow of capital.Part of the turnover is defined as the outflow of funds.On the day, the difference between the two was the net force of promoting the rise of the stock price after the two forces were offset that day.Calculate the flow of main funds, the flow of capital funds and the flow of retail funds through the transaction amount of transactions in a single transaction.

Note: The main funds are a large single transaction, the money is sold for large orders, and retail investors are small and medium -sized single transactions


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