Quick -hand "first lesson" live broadcast event ended, and famous teachers and big coffees passed the study and education dry goods

In the spring of the spring, all things are rejuvenating new vitality, and the new semester has arrived as expected.In the opening season of the spring of 2024, Kuaishou created a series of live broadcasts of the “first lesson of the school”, and invited a group of famous universities and education experts to bring students and parents to the “first lesson” of the new semester around the hot topic of school opening in spring.
In the live broadcast of the “classroom”, famous teachers from various fields explained the learning methods of different disciplines in detail, and explained the parenting method in family education scenes in scientific theories.Diversified and all -as -as -as -the -cested live content has attracted many students and parents to come to “listen to classes”. The number of live viewers exceeds 213.55 million, and the number of related works has reached 590 million.
Education experts gathered, diverse live broadcast content helped the new semester to set sail
The opening season in the spring opened the chapter of the new semester, and also opened the prelude to the new year’s growth.In order to fully answer the various questions of students and parents, the “first lesson of school” series live broadcasts three major sections of academic groups, new knowledge, and parent classrooms.Multiple live dialogue with confusion, cultivation of interest, family education.
In the live broadcast class, famous teachers in different disciplines shared various learning methods to help students have full horsepower in the new semester.The Department of Physics at Beijing Normal University@北京 北京 不 不 不 北京 Share the method of rapid improvement in physical learning of students with different basic students.Reading and reading independently.
They all say that “interest is the best teacher”. In order to make students curious, experts and experts with rich educational experience have brought science popularization in astronomy, nature, and physics in the live broadcast.Popular science education master@科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 from daily life, let children learn to dig scientific knowledge in life; well -known physics teacher@科 科 科 uses various interesting scientific stories to bring users to understand various astronomical knowledge and feelThe romance of the universe.
In the growth of students, the influence of art and culture can further enrich the spiritual world and enhance students’ aesthetic and creativity.During the event,@在 在 also invited multiple art teachers to visit the live broadcast room.Professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and Chinese Song Qingling Youth Science and Technology and Cultural Exchange Center led the course mentor Zheng Qinhuan to interpret the charm of art through painting; Professor of the Central Conservatory of Music, Chinese Song Qingling Youth Science and Technology and Cultural Exchange Center leader Liu Yuening brought users into the piano culture, Release the huge energy of art education.
Facing the demands of parent groups to improve the ability of family education, the “first lesson of school” also invited experts in the field of education to talk to and share advanced family education concepts.Famous family education experts @from the perspective of native family sharing how to give children high -quality companionship.Bai Yanyi, director of the Beijing Family Education Research Association@北京 北京 北京, and deputy editor -in -chief of the “Parental Reading” magazine@北京 北京 北京 北京 Liu Guoping concentrated on explaining the solution of parent -child communication problems.
Many experts and experts have brought professional and scientific educational theory sharing. The live broadcast content of dry goods answered various doubts for students and parents.
Break the barriers of knowledge transmission, prosper content ecology meets the needs of diversified education needs
The content of the short video and live broadcast makes the knowledge more liquid, providing people with more learning paths.More and more educational experts take root. Here we share dry goods content, convey the charm of knowledge, and attract more and more users to obtain the energy of knowledge here.
In the opening season of this spring, the attention of fast -hand users’ attention to the relevant content of the school has increased significantly, and more users have begun to search for related educational information on Kuaishou.Compared with 2023, in March 2024, the search volume of fast -moving school -related words increased by 112%.
At this node, the “first lesson of school” series of live broadcast activities further met the content of users with wonderful content, and became the “new semester learning guide” for many users.During the event, over 3.855 million users watched two or more live broadcast content.
Among them, users in Hebei, Shandong, Guangdong, Henan, Liaoning, Sichuan, Heilongjiang, Shanxi, Jiangsu, and Jilin provinces watch the longest time, and become the TOP 10 of the provinces that are most concerned about “first lesson”.
In addition to many live broadcast content, each vertical creator also released more than 21,000 start -up seasons, of which millions of explosive works are frequently produced, further promoting the dissemination of the event outside the series of live broadcast activities, allowing more users to see the opening seasonEducation dry goods content.
Driven by the massive hard core content, the topic of education has set off a wide range of heated discussions in Kuaishou Station.Among them, the topics of academic education related topics such as “the original writing also have universal formulas”, “How to memorize words in the new semester”, “hot spots that must be known for college entrance examination composition” have attracted the attention of users.Family education issues such as how to deal with campus bullying “and” how children have the right concept of consumption “have also aroused widespread discussion and further popularized the scientific family education concept.
With the inclusive knowledge and the sharing of the whole people have become the trend of the times, more than more and more school teachers and educational big coffees have gathered fast hands to produce rich educational content. Kuaishou has also become an important platform for more and more users to obtain scientific education knowledge.In response to the differentiated education needs of students and parent groups at different stages, Kuaishou will continue to support more high -quality education anchors, plan to launch#针 针 针 activities, and launch more normal quality live broadcast columns through fine operation strategies and diversified operation methods., Encourage the development of the content of the knowledge category, let more useful knowledge take root, and create a diverse fast -moving old iron knowledge encyclopedia.


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