Our city launches professional health knowledge preaching activities

The event was jointly carried out by the Municipal Health and Health Commission and the Municipal Education Bureau. The purpose was to practice the basic concepts of prevention -oriented in our city’s vocational schools, and actively promoted the establishment of a long -term mechanism for promoting the promotion of campus vocational health knowledge.According to the requirements, each school will cultivate a professional health and understanding person, responsible for the promotion and consultation of the professional health policy knowledge of the unit.The Municipal Health and Health Commission will organize experts of the Municipal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to conduct vocational health knowledge tour in municipal universities and direct vocational schools.The County (Municipal, District) Health and Health Bureau will organize experts from county -level disease control centers to conduct vocational health knowledge tours for secondary vocational schools in the area and achieve full coverage of universities and secondary vocational schools.The city will also use the city and county -level disease control centers as the platform to open a professional health sector on its website and WeChat public account, and promote popular science popularization of professional health knowledge to the city’s audience.Municipal universities and secondary vocational schools will also set up professional health science popularization columns to rely on platforms such as publicity columns, campus networks and “two micro -ends” to promote popular science popularization of vocational health knowledge for teachers and students of the school.At the same time, it is encouraged to set up vocational health elective courses for relevant majors in the field of high -developed professional diseases.


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