Morning Reading 丨 April 20, pay attention to health every day

【Health Reminder】

Cold, constipation, weight loss, drink more water appropriately

Under mild climatic conditions, the appropriate water intake of adult men at low body activity levels is 1700 ml; women’s daily appropriate water intake is 1500 ml.The Beijing Disease Prevention and Control Center reminded that the following situations need to drink plenty of water.

Cold: The patient sweats more after taking the medicine. Drinking plenty of water can make the water in the body in time, and you can dilute sputum, which is conducive to the discharge of sputum.Constipation: When the body is short of water, the water in the stool will also decrease, which will lead to dry stool and even constipation.If it is a mild constipation caused by water shortage, it can be relieved to a certain extent by drinking a lot of drinking water.Gout: Patients can drink plenty of water to promote urination, help the discharge of uric acid, and then alleviate the symptoms of gout.Loss: Drink a glass of water half an hour before meals to increase a certain sense of satiety and reduce food intake.

【Disease Prevention and Control】

Develop these habits to prevent the “trilogy” of liver cancer

The development path from hepatitis B to liver cancer is usually called “trilogy” of liver cancer.According to the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, hepatitis does not necessarily occur in the “trilogy” of liver cancer.The process of “trilogy” of liver cancer is very long. The liver has a strong ability to regenerate and compensate. It is time to seek medical treatment in time during the discovery of hepatitis or cirrhosis. Obiting the doctor’s order will greatly reduce its development into liver cancer.At the same time, not all liver cancer develops from viral hepatitis.

To prevent the “trilogy” of liver cancer, regular medical examinations are recommended. There are no surface antibodies (anti-HBS) in time to vaccinate the hepatitis B vaccine in time. Patients with hepatitis B are checked once every six months.Develop good living habits, quit smoking and alcohol, reduce staying up late, do not eat moldy, pickled foods.Persist in exercise and maintain healthy weight.


“Carbon cycling slimming” is about the “diet weight loss method”

The “carbon cycle slimming” is on fire, and the doctor said that it is not recommended to try it easily.Jin Jianhong, director of the Department of Endocrinology of Hangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, explained that “carbon cycling slimming” is to control the intake of carbohydrates by fixed time to achieve the cycle of “high carbon intake”, “medium carbon intake” and “low carbon intake”.And cooperate with exercise of the same strength.The essence of weight loss is that the body consumption is greater than the intake, and the heat difference is to achieve a weight loss effect. It can be understood as a variant of “diet weight loss method”.

Some people may be effective in the short term. If the willpower is not strong, the desire to re -evoke the desire for food, and the weight often does not decrease.In addition, how to effectively take a low carbon water diet requires the guidance of professionals, and blindly follows the trend.

【Anti -Cancer Science】

How to distinguish the pain and growth pain of osteosarcoma?

Osoma is a common primary malignant bone tumor, which causes high residual rates.According to the Pudong Disease Control Center, the most common symptoms of osteosarcoma are the pain of the tumor site.Obormatarios are more common in young people aged 10-25. It is easy to mistake pain caused by osteosarcoma as growth pain and miss the best treatment time.

The growth pain in puberty often occurs after strenuous exercise; the pain position is mostly in the part of the bone growth and development; the pain comes from the effect of “rooting” when the muscles and ligaments are “rooted in” at the growth point of the bones;Drugs can accelerate symptoms.The pain of osteosarcoma is more common in the joints, and the parts are fixed; the pain begins to be lighter, the more severe the development is; the pain at night is worse; the general symptoms after rest;The temperature is higher than the opposite limbs.

【Chinese Medicine Health】

Spring drink rose tea, relieve liver relief, relieve tension

In the spring, rose tea is particularly suitable for alleviating tension and relieving liver relief.The first people in GuangzhouHospitalChinese medicine artists recommend several easy -to -make rose tea drinks.

Sanhua tea: 6 rose flowers, 6 roses, and 12 jasmine flowers. After rinse of the above flower medicinal materials, add an appropriate amount of hot water for 10-15 minutes. You can add an appropriate amount of rock sugar or honey according to personal taste.drink.Rose golden orange drink: 6 roses, 5-10 grams of bergamot, 1-2 fresh golden orange, a little honey or rock sugar.Wash the above materials, add an appropriate amount of water for 15 minutes in the health pot, add the fresh golden orange slices and roses to the health pot and cook for 5 minutes, remove the residue to drink.According to personal taste, you can add an appropriate amount of rock sugar or honey.

Beijing News reporter Liu Xu organized

School pair Liu Baoqing


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