Learning · Story 丨 "New Fashion" in the eyes of General Secretary

At the beginning of Huayan, the domestic garbage investment point of the second phase of the Ruanghong New Town, Jiaxing Road Street, Hongkou District, Shanghai, and the community garbage classification volunteer Wu Qingzheng used a mobile phone to scan the QR code, and put the cardboard box into the recyclablePack.
“Now I do n’t have to“ stand in ”next to the trash can. Residents can consciously sort out the garbage, and the corridor is much cleaner.” Wu Qingyi said.
Just a year ago, a special reply made volunteers like Wu Qingzhang’s garbage classification volunteers.
This letter is: Supreme Leader.
“I remembered the scene of exchanging garbage classification with everyone five years ago. Your enthusiastic public welfare and serving the masses impressed me.” The Supreme Leader General Secretary said in the letter.
“The use of garbage classification and resource use is a systematic project. It requires coordinated efforts, accurate policies, and long -term contributions. The majority of urban and rural residents need to actively participate and take the initiative.” In addition to the results of the achievement of garbageI have expelled expectations.
From November 6th to 7th, 2018, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the top leader of the CPC Central Committee, President of the Central Military Commission inspected in Shanghai.On the morning of the 6th, the Supreme Leader talked cordially with several young people who exchanged garbage classification in Jiaxing Road Street, Jiaxing Road Street, Hongkou District.Photo by Li Tao, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency
On November 6, 2018, the Supreme Leading Secretary inspected in Shanghai came to the first branch of Jiaxing Road Street, Citizenship Station, Hongkou District.In the party building workstation, several young people from neighborhood committees and enterprises are communicating with community garbage classification promotion.A young man told the General Secretary that participating in public welfare activities was new fashion for young people.
“Garbage classification is new fashion!” The Supreme Leader General Secretary said that comprehensive waste of garbage requires the participation of the whole people. I pay attention to this matter and hope that Shanghai will do it.
8 months later, on July 1, 2019, the “Regulations on the Management of Lomitic garbage in Shanghai” was implemented.
In 2023, Shanghai’s domestic garbage has been fully harmless, and consciously classification of garbage has become the habit of more and more citizens.Volunteers report to the general secretary of the hard -won results, expressing their determination to contribute to the promotion of garbage classification in a larger range of flowers.
Nowadays, under the encouragement and inspiration of the General Secretary’s reply, the “regeneration” bench, the plant fertilizer of the community garden, the intellectual recovery points of the “regeneration” bench, the community garden’s plant fertilizer, the environmental creativity of the residential areas of Shanghai is endless.
The residents of Hongxu District, Mayor of Shanghai, sorting out the community garden.Residents mix the “green materials” and soil fermented in the compost box and spread them together in the planting boxes.
(Photo on April 22, 2020).Photo by Zhang Jiansong, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency
Low -carbon living space in Ruihong No. 2 Community, Jiaxing Road Street, Hongkou District, Shanghai.Wen Wei Po reporter Xing Qianli Photo
From the initial “throwing a basket” to the “four barrels” today, from the “source reduction” in the past to the current “waste into treasure”, with the in -depth advancement of garbage classification work, like Wu Qingzheng, like Wu QingzhengThe efforts of volunteers have been echoed nationwide.


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