Heze Trade Assistance Assistance Education "Spring Full Garden"

China Industry Network News Since last year, the trade unions at all levels in Heze, Shandong, have issued a total of 279,900 yuan in academic funds and assistance supplies, and sent 155,500 yuan for children of 314 employees.At the same time, a total of 129,400 yuan was sent to 1017 children’s children, and a total of 1,165 were helped.Among them, there are 370 children in the difficult family employees, 205 people in the new employment form, 596 children of migrant workers … The group of data is very exciting, a practical relationship between the people’s livelihood, interpret the unremitting efforts and efforts and the unreasonable efforts of the union of Heze.pay.
In recent years, the Heze Federation of Trade Unions has continued to innovate ideas and methods, continuously deepen the assistant, and solidly promote the “four seasons service” volunteer service brand projects, and combine assistance education activities with golden autumn school aid activities to form a one timeThe long -term assistance mechanism combined with sexual assistance and regular care, and strives to make the assistance education activities deeply and detailed, inject new elements into the old brand, enable it to rejuvenate and play a new role.Educational activities have become one of the brands of trade unions at all levels in the city to serve the majority of employees and masses.
Since 2024, the Heze Federation of Trade Unions has carried out 11 lectures on parent -child education, family -style teaching publicity lectures, and 2491 employees and children participated in the event.Through knowledge explanations and interactive games, further guide parents of employees to learn correct family education methods, strengthen emotional exchanges and understanding between parents and children, and promote a virtuous cycle of parent -child relationships.Continue to care for children with dilemma, enrich their spiritual and cultural life, and actively organize children with difficult families to watch movies, so that children with dilemma can feel the warmth of social family families, and promote a strong atmosphere for the formation of together and grow together.Helping education activities also pay special attention to difficult workers, new employment workers, and migrant workers groups, and effectively alleviate their children’s education difficulties.
It is understood that in recent years, the unions of Heze City at all levels will carry out a pragmatic measure to help children with difficult workers to complete their studies, grow talents, and develop comprehensive development.In order to ensure that the activities have achieved solid results, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions deeply understands the causes, degrees of difficulties and children’s education situation of difficult employees, understand the number of bottoms, master the truth, establish and improve the files of children of difficult workers, and effectively grasp the employees accurately.Life status, accurate grasp of the needs of assistance, and accurately carry out assistance.
The Municipal Federation of Trade Unions also made full use of the union publicity positions and new media platforms to increase the promotion of activities.At the same time, actively guide superior enterprises and all sectors of society to participate in the assistance and assistance activities of employees in difficult workers, promote the formation of a good atmosphere of helping children in difficult workers in schools.Promoting assistance education activities has become a highlight of the union organization around the center, performing duties, and serving employees.
The Heze Federation of Trade Unions takes a lot of measures to actively carry out assistance and delivery education activities by organizing unions at all levels in the city, helping the children of the city, especially the families of difficult employees, new employment workers, and children of migrant workers to successfully complete their studies and guide the children of the majority of employees.The feelings of planting love, patriotism, and socialism.In the next step, they will take assistance education activities as the focus of work, adhere to the needs of children’s children, expand the scope of attention, increase assistance efforts, strengthen contact with relevant departments, form a joint force, create positive and upward, to create positive upward, to children, to create positive and upward, and to create positive upward, to children, to create positive and upward, to create positive upward, upward, and to create positive and upward, to create positive and upward, and to create positive upwards for children.Healthy and friendly learning and growth environment.At the same time, accurate policies, multiple measures to help children with difficult workers complete their academic, comprehensively develop, and grow their talents, and continuously improve the sense of gain, happiness, and satisfaction of the majority of employees.
(Shandong Workers Newspaper Liu Shasha)
Source: Zhonggong.com


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