Guarding "people on the journey" to light up "Poetry and Far"

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Guarding “people on the journey” to light up “Poetry and Far”

——In the rule of law to promote the tourism industry to “stubborn” and cure “not sick”

Bright Daily Reporter Liu Huadong

  The best of the spring is the best.More and more people start planning the spring route.

  Since 2023, “tourism” has once again become a high -frequency word in people’s lives.Data show that during the Spring Festival holiday in 2024, there were 474 million domestic tourism travel nationwide, and the total travel spent 632.6 billion yuan.What a hot Spring Festival tour!

  However, the “zero negative fees” and mandatory shopping in the tourism industry are difficult to eliminate, and new formats such as online tourism and research tourism also need to be regulated.In response to how to further revitalize the tour in accordance with the law and rule the tour in accordance with the law, the reporter interviewed relevant industry personnel and experts and scholars to discuss how to go to the “stubborn” of the tourism industry in the rule of law to treat the “unsatisfactory” of various new tourism formats.


Visitors take a sightseeing car to visit Qinghai Guide National Geological Park.Xinhua News Agency


Tourists enjoy the scenery in Xixin South Wetland, Huizhou District, Huangshan City, Anhui Province.Xinhua News Agency


The staff of the Jinhai Lake People’s Court of Pinggu District, Beijing conducted a publicity of law popularization.Data picture

  1. New problems in the new stage of Volkswagen

  In the early stage, at a price of 19.9 yuan, the elderly tourists participated in the “one -day tour” event and gave gifts to the elderly tourists.Later, in order to make up for losses, they arranged shopping activities in the tourist itinerary, and agreed to collect “head fees” or “shopping rebate” with relevant operating units. In the end, they were subject to administrative penalties for illegal income, fines, and or ordering the suspension of business.Recently, in the typical cases of tourism market order rectification reported by the comprehensive law enforcement detachment of the Suzhou Cultural Market in Jiangsu, the case of the “unreasonable low -cost tour” case was on the list.

  In recent years, individual travel agencies have attracted the elderly to participate in tourism activities with low -cost tourism and gifts of rice oil as gimmicks. After persuading the elderly to purchase nutritional products, health products, and even investment in real estateThere are many differences and disputes, infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of tourists.

  For compulsory shopping, temporary changes, no tour guides provide tour guide services, rent operating vehicles with no legal business qualifications to receive tourists … In many cases of travel involved in travel, there are many examples of similar cases.At the same time, a set of data also shows changes.

  Judging from the fourth quarter of 2023 in the Guangdong Provincial Department of Culture, in the fourth quarter of the 2023, in the fourth quarter of last year, a total of 3755 tourist complaints were received from all over Guangdong.According to the category of the acceptance of the complaint, 17 were suspected of running unlicensed, forced or deceived the shopping, 48 tour guides did not exhaust their responsibilities, and 725 disputes over booking products were reserved online.The number of complaints for scenic spots accounted for 36.99%of the total number of complaints. The top of the list was topped. The complaint issues were mainly concentrated in the service quality of tourist scenic spots. There were 1057 cases, accounting for 31.36%of all complaints. Compared with the second and third quarters, it also increased significantly.

  ”Tourism is the basic needs of the public tourism era. The tourist attraction is the basic support of the development of tourism. In this sense, the complaint of the majority of tourists on the tourist attraction reflects everyone’s attention to the high -quality development of the tourism industry.” China TourismDai Bin, the dean of the Institute of Research, told reporters that from the data point of view, the proportion of old problems such as unlicensed operations and forced shopping industry accounts for a small proportion, indicating that in recent years, the tourism market has been effective.Taller.

  ”After Volkswagen Tourism has entered a new stage of comprehensive development, the demand for tourists for tourism is from ‘.” Whether it has shifted to “. Now the management authority of tourist attractions is distributed in cultural tourism, environmental protection, land resources, cultural relics, industry and commerce, and other related departments.It is necessary to formulate a scientific, reasonable and operable system and standards through the rule of law, form a joint supervision force to promote the improvement of the service quality of the scenic area. “Dai Bin said.

  2. New travel format calls for new specifications

  In the past, tourists who did not choose to travel to the group were called “scattered passengers”.Today, scattered customers are becoming the mainstream of tourism.

  From the teams between the city under the banner of “entering the Zizi” to the city, to the spectacular self -driving self -driving “Tibetan Army” blocked in the “Nujiang 72”; from the “village BA” in Guizhou to the country, to a carRVs went north to “Laurin” … Looking back at 2023, new styles such as self -driving tours, cycling tours, research tours, homestays, outdoor adventures, and other new formats have continued to emerge.The “special soldiers” who shouted “Sitting in the middle of the night and watching the sunrise in the morning” continued to play new tricks for tourism.There are many ways to travel and play, which not only reflects the change of people’s life attitude, but also puts forward higher requirements for public services during the journey.

  In order to further protect the rights and interests of tourists during the trip, after the implementation of the Tourism Law in 2013, tourism specialty courts and tourism tour courts in various places came into being.The Tourism Court of Tourism, the People’s Court of Lijiang, Yunnan is one of them.Disputes of travel involved have the characteristics of widespread, different places, and small targets. Therefore, the “noon court”, “night court” and “weekend court” became the normal work of the president Yang Yanliu and colleagues.From the official unveiling of September 2016 to the end of 2023, the court accepted 2489 cases of various types of civil and business.At the same time, in response to the problems of shopping return, insufficient safety supervision of tourist bus, weak food safety legal awareness, and irregular raising pets in ancient towns, the court also issued judicial suggestions to administrative departments such as tourism, transportation, and market supervision.

  ”Behind the relevant cases, there are both market entities that harm their own selfishness and lack of tourists’ sense of responsibility, but it is undeniable that the relevant administrative department has not been in place and the public service functions are also difficult to blame.” Yang Yanliu told reporters that reporters told reportersThe illegal phenomenon such as “shopping rebate” and “head fees” reflects that the relevant administrative regulatory authorities have not been managed in place for shopping stores to a certain extent.The court had handled the driver drunk, fatigue driving, and overspeed overload caused by tourist casualties. It was found that the relevant administrative department’s qualification review and safety supervision of passenger transport vehicles and safety supervision were insufficient.The disputes between the dogs in the scenic area’s bite of tourists have also reflected that there are vulnerabilities in the management of the relevant departments on the management of the scenic dogs.

  Suggestions for the continuous deepening of the standardized management of the tourism market and tourism practitioners, the punishment of increasing the punishment of improper competition has been called for many years, but insufficient law enforcement personnel and limited supervision capabilities are also indisputable.In response to the status quo, Dai Bin proposed to pay more attention to practitioners in the tourism industry.

  ”The diversification of the form of tourism means that the practice environment and practice forms of practitioners such as tour guides and other practitioners have also changed. Once problems occur, they will be punished by orderly. The new business needs to be cured.The dilemma of employees and their rights to face their rights, and on the basis of strict management, it is a way to let go of the restrictions on the free practice and part -time industry of tour guides. “Dai Bin said.

  3. Improve the travel method with the new concept

  What is a tourist?

  This question does not find a clear answer to seeing the travel method.From the perspective of Han Yuling, a professor at the Second Institute of Foreign Languages in Beijing, as long as everyone walks out of the house, everyone may be a reality or potential tourist.Dai Bin’s answer to this is even more simple -tourism is a short -term alien lifestyle.

  As the first special law in the history of the development of my country’s tourism industry. Since the Tourism Law has passed more than ten years, my country has initially formed tourism based on the tourism law, regulations, rules, and judicial interpretations of travel agency regulations, and administrative standardized documents. Legal System.According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 200 current effective tourism laws, regulations, regulations, regulations and judicial interpretations in my country; the current effective tourism standards have reached 113, which laid the legal basis for promoting travel according to law and traveling according to law.

  At the same time, the update of the law has also been put on the agenda.After the current Tourism Law needs to be amended in 2016 and 2018, after two amendments to the reform and “decentralization service” reform, its amendments are also included in the second type of project of the “14th National People’s Congress Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress”.Hurry up the laws and draft legal cases when the work and conditions are mature. “At a symposium held by the National People’s Congress Finance and Economics Committee and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in December last year, from encouraging the development and growth of new formats to showing the concept of “Culture and Plastic Travel, Traveling with Brigade”Many participants have called for the process of accelerating the practice of tourism law and given more comprehensive and targeted guarantees to the tourism industry at the legal level.

  ”The impact of the new demand on the market on the tourism law, I think first of all is the impact of ideas.” Dai Bin admits that in the past, our perception of tourism was mainly reflected in several keywords such as travel agencies, tour guides, scenic spots, and hotels.New business formats are constantly emerging, and the practice of tourism law first faces conceptual changes.”The development of a local tourism economy must have sound transportation infrastructure and public services, and there are perfect market entities and business environment. All things that involve tourists cannot be attributed to the cultural tourism department.Concept. “Dai Bin said.

  ”In addition to the traditional tourist attractions and famous monuments in the traditional sense, more and more people choose to go to the suburbs to camping, stream picnic, museum punch in, and roaming in the streets., Focus on the guarantee of online and offline infrastructure and services, and achieve full coverage of online and offline service supervision. “Han Yuling suggested that some mature and effective local regulations, the provisions of departmental regulations, etc.Let the tourism law continuously improved in practice.


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