Force to create a fashion consumption IP "Weekly Fashion", what is worth buying "trend fashion" channel

With the full spring, the new season of China International Fashion Week, Beijing Fashion Week, and Shanghai Fashion Week have kicked off in recent days. The three top domestic trend feasts brings together the attention of the country and the world, and also attracted many fashion practitioners and the fashion practitioners and the world.The enthusiasts flocked.As an in -depth cooperative media of multiple fashion weeks, what is worth buying to upgrade the topic of fashion weeks per season this year to a new “trend fashion” channel, and strive to create a fashion consumption IP “weekly fashion”, in order to better better wayServing the public’s longing for a better life will more effectively stimulate the new vitality of fashion consumption.

This season, China International Fashion Week is based on the theme of “Fu” and “given” the aesthetic personality of Chinese original fashion, “empowerment” fashion rational technology and sensual expression, and the ecological symphony of the Chinese fashion industry.Beijing Fashion Week is based on the theme of “the new life”. It aims to use the power of innovation to cast new design concepts, breeds new cultural phenomena, and inspires new business wisdom.The Shanghai Fashion Week with the theme of “New Elephant Shengsheng” hopes to produce deep integration with Fashion Week as the hub link to help brands collide with each other while looking for their own ecological positions, which inspires new vitality.

Aesthetics, innovation, links, empowerment, what is worth buying the original intention of the “trend fashion” channel, coincides with the core value demands of major fashion weeks; and the “weekly fashion” IP created is more based on real consumption.Scenes have allowed fashion to penetrate daily life and attract more popular users to participate.

According to Yang Lin, the person in charge of buying a fashion trend industry, the “Trend Fashion” channel will not only use PGC (professional content)+UGC (user content), but also quickly iterate and efficiently summarize the fashion week information of each quarter.The “Zhou Week Fashion” IP will conduct content innovation in content; at the same time, it will also work closely with major fashion weeks to carry out online and offline activities with more influential influence, so that the “weekly fashion” IP is more concrete.”Fashion is not high, it can also be an aesthetic aesthetics of ordinary people. What is worth buying and hoping to create & lsquo; trend fashion & rsquo; to attract more users to pay attention to fashion and participate in fashion activities, let fashion integrate into our daily livesYang Lin said.

Entering the “Trend Fashion” channel, the first show is the official schedule of major fashion weeks at home and abroad. This information can help users grasp the first -hand show information and reasonably plan the show time.What are the main content areas in the channel, what are the four districts that are carefully built & mdash; & mdash;In the “Show Field · Moment” area, what professional editor team worth buying will go to major shows to bring back all -round and multi -dimensional fashion week information; at the same timeFeel the trend of the new season and provide users with more depth content of the perspective.In addition, during the Fashion Week, the platform will also shoot the content of the designer interview with the contents of passers -by, so that users can truly feel the unique charm of Fashion Week from different angles.

The “Today’s Brand” area provides a platform for brands to be recommended and recognized. Whether it is a foreign brand or a domestic brand, whether it is a classic brand or a trendy brand, it can tell users their own brand through this platform to tell users their own brand.The story shows its own brand charm.It is divided into four sectors: “International Show”, “domestic show”, “star lineup” and “national tide brand”, and shows the brand, star and domestic brand brand that appeared in the domestic and foreign shows.The most worth mentioning is the “Guo Chao Brand” sector. In the current Chinese -style wearing and frequent circles of domestic products, this sector provides more display opportunities and in “Chinese design” and “Chinese brand”Development help.

In the “Recommended Recommendation · Good Things” and “Huanxin · Good Price” area, what are the good prices and good prices of fashion categories such as clothing, shoes, bags, accessories such as clothing, shoes, bags, and accessories that are worth buying.Break the “fashion high and unattainable” filter, shorten the psychological distance of users and fashion, and make fashion life reach.

What worthy of buying the “Trend Fashion” channel is online, not only helping consumers to obtain rich and diverse fashion content in one stop, but also help consumers better understand fashion information and enjoy fashion life. At the same timeThe opportunity of contacting consumers allows fashion brands, especially Guo Chao brand to be recognized, understood, and selected.”What is worth buying will continue to play its ability and advantages in the consumer industry, between consumers and fashion industries, constantly create opportunities, innovate the form of connection, improve the efficiency and quality of connection, and provide more consumer and fashion brands with moreAt the same time as good service, it also helps society to inspire new vitality of fashion consumption. “Yang Lin said.


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