"Eye ‘Eye" Eye Plan -Eye Health Care "Public Welfare Project was launched in Kun

The launching ceremony was launched (taken on March 22).

& emsp; & emsp; On March 22, the Kunming Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Youth League, hosted by the Kunming Youth Development Foundation, Kunming Guandu District Education and Sports Bureau, the Communist Youth League Guandu District Committee, hosted by Kunming Er Eye Hospital, co -organized by the Kunming Youth Volunteer AssociationThe public welfare project of “Eye Planning -Eye Health Care” public welfare project in Golden Horse Elementary School of Golden Horse Elementary School in Golden Horse Elementary School in Guandu District, Kunming City was officially launched.

The launching ceremony was launched (taken on March 22).

Lin Qin, secretary of the Kunming Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Youth League, said that the launch of the public welfare project aims to provide comprehensive eye health care for the masses through the popularization of eye health knowledge, carrying out eye health inspections, and providing eye disease prevention services.

& emsp; & emsp; “Children and adolescent myopia prevention and control work is a long and arduous task.” Wang Yan, secretary and principal of Golden Horse Primary School Party Branch and President of Golden Horse Primary School, Guandu District, Kunming City, said that the school arranges the inspection class of the moral education teacher every day to correct the child in timeOur bad eye habits.The launch of this activity provides valuable resources and help for the school. I also hope that this opportunity to further build a comprehensive system of myopia prevention and control in government departments, medical resources intervention, home and school collaboration, and social participation.The combination of prevention and control work, relying on the power of public welfare to enhance the awareness of eye -eye protection of the majority of teenagers.

The launching ceremony was launched (taken on March 22).

& emsp; & emsp; Kunming Alier Eye Hospital is one of the specific execution hospitals assigned in the “Eye ‘Eye’ Eye Plan -Eye Health Care” public welfare project.Zhang Lin, CEO and CEO of Kunming Er Eye Hospital, Yunnan Province, said that as the main member of the Eye Health Volunteer Service Team of the Kunming Young Volunteer Association, Kunming Aier Ophthalmology Hospital has always adhered to all “to make all” make all of themPeople, regardless of their poverty and wealth, enjoy the right to eye health, “and actively participate in various types of eye health public welfare activities carried out for all ages.After the start of the public welfare project, the hospital will continue to exert its advantages in the field of ophthalmology, strictly follow the process specifications, and conduct public welfare activities such as science popularization lectures, inspections, archives, mirrors, and eye disease assistance for teaching staff and students in the school.

The launching ceremony was launched (taken on March 22).

& emsp; & emsp; On the same day, under the leadership of the eye health volunteer service team of the Er Eye Hospital in Kunming, the student representatives of the Mingzheng Ban Mountain Campus of Golden Horse Elementary School in Guandu District, Kunming also conducted a “crystal gymnastics” teaching performance.In a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere, the students in the audience followed in unison and actively interacted with volunteers.


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