81 teaching sites of Ordos Promoting Education and Promoting Education Upgrade Upgrade

Since the beginning of this year, in accordance with the requirements of the old -fashioned activities and positions, the flag districts of Ordos, Inner Mongolia passed the establishment of the position, resource integration, and overall planning of the whole area.Set up branches and teaching points, promote the extension of the educational resources of the elderly to the grassroots level, and build more teaching sites and “shared” activity positions for the “door”.Up to now, there are 81 elderly universities and teaching sites at all levels in the city, which has greatly facilitated the old comrades to carry out learning activities nearby.

In Dongsheng District, eight elderly universities are distributed in town, streets, and village communities, which facilitates the elderly to participate in learning and education nearby; in the Otoc flag, the elderly cultural and sports activity center that is used in 2024 will integrate all the functions of elderly universities intoAt the elderly Cultural and Sports Center, a one -stop service platform for living, learning, communication and activities for the elderly of the whole flag; the Ordos Elderly Open Universities Ikinholo Banner Teaching Center, Yijin Hollo Banner, established in 2023The old Lecture Hall actively implements the school’s purpose of “growing knowledge, enriching life, cultivating sentiments, promoting health, and serving the society”, further promoting the healthy development of the elderly education in the new era … A series of “cultural enjoyment” measures have become Ordos to promote the elderlyEducational quality upgrades, the vivid embodiment of tailor -made “empowerment”.


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