2023 China Shopping Center Enterprise Top 100 List was released, and the top 100 in the camp project 2813

  Beijing News (Reporter Zheng Mingzhu) The China Chain Operation Association recently released the “2023 China Shopping Center Enterprise TOP100” list.The list shows that as of December 31, 2023, TOP100 enterprises were 2813 (more than 30,000 square meters per square meter/piece) at the camp shopping center, with a total construction area of ​​about 316.55 million square meters, and an average unit project of 113,000 square meters.rice.

  The top ten on the list are Wanda Business Management Group,Co., Ltd., Xincheng Business Management Group,Co., Ltd.,Management Holding Co., Ltd.,, Intime Commercial (Group) Co., Ltd., Hengtai Business Management Group Co., Ltd., Century Jinyuan Commercial Management Group,Holding Co., Ltd..

  Compared with the “2022 China Shopping Center Enterprise TOP100” list,Enterprises such as Cultural and Business Travel Group and Holdings Co., Ltd. did not enter the top ten in the 2023 list.


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